
Here In Online Islamic Institute, We have picked the most authentic syllabus for you. Which covers all the aspect of a practicing muslim;
– Quran
– Hadeeth
– Aqaaid (Belief’s) and Masail (Rules)
– Islamic Upbringing and Language

Deeniyat Syllabus


Quran Segment is divided into two parts:

1. Noorani Qaida (Learning to read Quran)
2. Hifz-e-Surah (Memorizing Surah with Tazweed)


Hadeeth Segment is again divided into two parts:

1. Dua and Sunnat (Teachings from life of beloved Prophet ﷺ)
2. Hifz-e-Hadeeth (Memorizing hadeeth with meaning)

Aqaaid (Belief’s) and Masail (Rules)

Aqaaid o Masail is divided into three parts:

1. Aqaaid (Memorizing various Kalima with meaning to understand oneness of Allah swt)
2. Asma-ul-Husna (Memorizing 99 beautiful names of Allah )
3. Masail (Basic fiqh of performing Wuzu, Namaz etc based upon Hanafi school of thought)

Islamic Upbringing

Islamic Upbringing is divided into three parts:

1. Islamic General Knowledge (Knowing basic terminology and concepts of Islam)
2. Speech and Dua (Expressing your Islamic thought in front of people and Allah swt)
3. Seerah (Learning life of beloved Prophet ﷺ)


Language is divided into two parts:

1. Arabic (Learning absolute basics of Arabic language)
2. Urdu (Learning reading and writing Urdu language)

Co-Curricular Activities Syllabus

Co-Curricular Activities

  • Moral Stories
  • Namaz And Amal Chart
  • Nasheed / Naath
  • Ramazan Activities

Deeniyat Syllabus

Deeniyat is an educational and charitable trust working for more than 20 years to make best possible syllabus. 

To Know More :

Online Islamic Institute

Moral Education Along With Quran and Hadith
Our Phone Number
+91 75050 10116

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