10 major signs of Judgement Day

The End of World

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In Islam, there are ten phases to the day of judgement, each of which depicts the event categorically:

Islam teaches that several signs will herald the Day of Judgement, some major and some minor. While only Allah knows the exact time, the Quran and Hadith provide guidance to help Muslims recognize these signs and prepare for the end times.

The most well-known sign is the appearance of Dajjal, who will claim to be God. Those who believe in him will be considered heretics. Dajjal will perform deceptive miracles, such as controlling the rain and vegetation, misleading many into thinking he is divine.

3) The Descent of Jesus

According to Islamic belief, Prophet Jesus will descend at the time Dajjal shows up and declares himself to be God. He would then attack and murder Dajjal. In addition, he will bring Muslims to Tur Mountain, destroy the cross, and free them from the Majooj and Yajooj. The Jews were supposed to kill the Prophet, but Allah raised him up and preserved him. When he gets there, everyone who has been buying into falsehoods and misconceptions will be taken aback.

4) Yajooj And Majooj’s emergence

There are multiple references to Yajooj and Majooj’s rise to prominence. A wall encloses them. There is a legend about them that states that during Hazrat Ibrahim’s (a.s.) reign, there lived a just King by the name of Zulqarnain. People asked him to keep them safe from the Gog and Magog tribes, two deadly tribes they had heard about. Zulqarnain consequently built an iron wall that would remain impenetrable till the end of time. They will therefore be able to break past the barrier and chase the populace come the end of time. To relieve humanity from its fury and danger, Hazrat Isa will arrive on Earth

5) Smoke will appear

The Quran mentions a day when smoke will appear from the sky, covering the earth for 40 days. This smoke will be a punishment for unbelievers while being a source of discomfort for Christians.

6) The Coming Of The Beast

A beast will emerge from the earth, carrying the staff of Moses and the seal of Solomon. It will mark believers with light and darken the faces of unbelievers, signifying their faith.

7) The Sun Rise from the West

One of the primary signs is the Sun rising from the West. When this happens, everyone will believe, but it will be too late for those who did not believe or do good deeds beforehand.

8) Landslides

There will be three major landslides: one in the Arabian Peninsula, one in the East, and one in the West. These events will occur in areas with high levels of immorality and bad behavior.


9) The Fire Will Begin

The eruption of fire from the direction of Yemen, from the bottom of ‘Aden, from the Sea of Hadramawt’ is another key sign of the day of judgement. The Prophet (Saw) was heard saying, “The last of them will be a fire that will come from Yemen, and will force the people to the area of their assembly,” according to Hudhayfah ibn Usayd. (Source: Muslim, 18/27)

10) The Kaabah Will Be Destroyed

A man named Dhu’l-Suwayqatayn from Abyssinia will destroy the Kaabah, seizing its treasure. This event will coincide with the removal of the Quran and righteous people from the Earth by Allah to protect them from the Last Hour.

However, regular supplications and prayers are very necessary and can prevent one from taking actions that will ultimately be harmful to them. In addition to these major signs, there are other smaller or more subtle signs of the Day of Judgement in Islam, and numerous theories have been formed based on these signs to confirm their accuracy.

Are You Scared From These Signs?

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SOURCE : islamtheultimatepeace.com

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