What is the Meaning of water in dream?


In Islamic tradition, dreams are often seen as significant, carrying potential meanings and messages. Water, a common element in dreams, can symbolize various concepts and emotions. Understanding the interpretation of water in dreams—whether it’s a flood, drinking water, or other forms—can provide valuable insights. Here’s a look at what water in dreams can signify from an Islamic perspective.

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1. Drinking Water:

Symbol of Blessings and Sustenance:

Dreaming of drinking clear, fresh water often symbolizes blessings, sustenance, and relief. It can indicate that the dreamer will receive spiritual or material benefits and experience ease in life (Hadith in Sunan Ibn Majah).

Spiritual Nourishment:

Water in dreams can also represent spiritual nourishment and enlightenment. It may suggest a period of personal growth or increased knowledge and faith.

2. Floods and Rising Water:

Overwhelming Challenges:

A flood or rising water in a dream may symbolize overwhelming challenges or difficulties. It can reflect feelings of being overwhelmed by life’s problems or emotions (Hadith in Al-Jami’ As-Saghir).

Purification and Change:

On a positive note, floods can also symbolize purification and significant life changes. Just as water cleanses, the flood in a dream might represent a cleansing of past troubles and the start of a new phase in life.

3. Stagnant or Dirty Water:

Obstacles and Difficulties:

Dreaming of stagnant or dirty water may indicate obstacles or difficulties that need to be addressed. It can symbolize issues related to health, relationships, or personal challenges (Hadith in Al-Muwatta).

Spiritual or Emotional Blockages:

Such dreams might also suggest spiritual or emotional blockages. The presence of dirty water may signify unresolved issues or a need for spiritual cleansing and renewal.

4. Swimming or Wading in Water:

Navigating Through Life:

Swimming or wading through water in a dream can reflect how the dreamer is navigating through life’s challenges. It may indicate the ability to manage difficulties and move forward despite obstacles (Hadith in Al-Jami’ As-Saghir).

Emotional State:

The ease or difficulty of swimming through the water can reflect the dreamer’s emotional state and their ability to handle emotions and situations effectively.

5. Rainwater:

Blessings and Mercy:

Dreaming of rainwater often symbolizes blessings, mercy, and divine favor. It can represent a period of renewal and growth, both spiritually and materially (Surah An-Nur, 24:35).

Fulfillment of Needs:

Rainwater may also signify the fulfillment of needs or the resolution of a problem. It indicates that relief and support are on the way.


Water in dreams holds significant meaning in Islamic tradition, reflecting various aspects of the dreamer’s life and spiritual state. Whether it is drinking water, floods, stagnant water, or rain, each type of water carries its own symbolism and message. Interpreting these dreams can provide insights into personal challenges, spiritual growth, and divine blessings. Understanding these symbols helps in aligning one’s actions with faith and gaining deeper spiritual awareness.

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